Sunday, April 11, 2021

First Steps on Treehouse Project

 Another model that I made was of the window framing detail. The design is made so that the windows can be installed from the inside of the Treehouse. This is trickier that is sounds as the nailing flange around the window has to be on the inside of the frame on the top and two sides.

The windows are most important and drive the size of the Treehouse as they are a fixed size that require a 59 - 1/2" by 59 - 1/2" rough opening to the corner pieces as seen in the model. Since these are windows and are only made with a single sliding half on the left. I solved this problem by mounting the window inside out. Another consideration is that this 60 " size means that getting in and out could be a problem. 

The elevator will be 6 - 3" tall and the bottom will stop 18" below the floor of the Treehouse. As you can see in the picture I wanted to see how this would work when getting into and exiting the Treehouse. With an 8" step in the elevator it will be no problem. This will become clear as construction continues over the next few weeks.

The plan is to pre-cut, assemble and number the parts of the entire Treehouse and elevator system in my shed.  #9 GRK screws will be used in the pre-assembly and 1/4" GRK screws will be used for the final assembly in the tree. This will be the floor system. It will be covered with 3/4 CDX plywood.

A 30 degree angle was ripped on 2 x 4's that would form the 6 corners of the hexagon. These posts were cut long so they would cover the 2 x 6 bottom and 2 x 12 top rim of the hexagon. The 2 x 4 cross piece is a temporary stop to hold the 2 x 12 while being installed and fastened.

Special care needed to be taken when installing the screws so that the 3" screws would do their job. Hold fast and not stick through. This jig helped guid the drill for the pilot holes.

Corner number 1 from the inside.

One down five to go! There will be 4 screws in the bottom and 6 screws in the top of each post.

OK looks like the system will work as planned. Next up will be to install the 3/4" plywood deck and then finish up the posts and top rim. Total weight so far is 320 pounds.

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