Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Cabin Doors Made and Hung

 This was the last of the windows. The center window is fixed and the two side ones open to the inside of the cabin. These windows face the West but will be well shaded by the 3 foot roof overhang.

The glass for the doors needed to be tempered and took a bit longer to get. The challenge of making the frames for the doors was a little more complicated as there was no center post and I wanted the doors to interlock. With three layers of material this required some serious planning. First I made a "story stick" for the exact width and height of the 6 x 6 door frame.

In the sketch you can see the stack-up of the three layers. The yellow side door would be the door least often used and would be pinned in place at the bottom and top. The pink side door would be the primary door and the interlock needed to be constructed accordingly. The 11/16 inch glass would allow for a foam seal on each face. Stock 3/4" thick would be used to surround the glass. It would be cut to be flush with the frame on three sides. The mating side of the doors would need to be staggered as in the sketch. The 1 x 6 cedar material would make up the frame and hold the glass in place. All this was drawn full size on the "story stick" and made the job possible.

The doors were quite heavy, weighing in at about 75 pounds each so I transported them to the cabin on a sled since I could not drive up to the cabin with all the snow.

Doors hung. Mission accomplished. Very nice light and good view.

Looking at the cabin from the S.W. 

Looking at the cabin from the N.E.

Well this just about wraps up the cabin work for this year. May experiment with sizing up the BTU's needed for the propane fireplace that will be used for heat. Will have to think about that for awhile.

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